Sunday, September 4, 2016


A young friend of mine is very into the whole vegan/save the animals thing. I don't mind that people are into that. I do mind being insulted because my choices are different than theirs. I do mind being constantly inundated with social media messages that suggest I am a murderer because I use milk, butter, cheese, eggs, fish, poultry and meat. I do mind the suggestion that only vegans are intelligent enough to figure out how a human should eat. I mind that they go even further to suggest that our government aught to legislate in such a way as to make the above mentioned foods unavailable. It is hubris to think that everyone else should change to agree with you.
The arguments made by the people this young person idolizes range from containing some truth to being completely ridiculous. So, I just want to follow the idea that no one should use animal products of any kind to its logical conclusion. First, I could not use any form of petroleum distillate because that is made from fossilized animals. Lets eliminate all plastics, gas, oil, coal, asphalt and tar from use to support our cause. That means no plastic bottles, or containers, or furniture with plastic parts, or synthetic fabrics or fibers, no paint on the walls, no driving cars or using asphalt roads, and a gas, oil, or coal furnace is out of the question; we would would have to purchase only wind, solar, or hydroelectric power; but wait, we can't use plastics so insulated wiring is out, too. We need to eliminate glass because it is made of the melted remains of tiny sea creatures. Since we wouldn't be able to buy anything with plastic or glass packaging or use those asphalt roads, that means we had better hope we can barter for or grow everything we need where we live. We can't leave the block and it would be unethical to ask anyone to use those roads for us. Maybe, though, the whole argument is moot, because we couldn't use social media; we couldn't use computers or phones because they are made with plastic and are powered by charging them with insulated wires.
It is a wonderful thing to be young and passionate, but it is not wonderful for young people to be disrespectful and rude to anyone who has a different way of seeing things. It is not wonderful to try to force your opinion upon everyone else. Young people often lack perspective, but they also lack the self-discipline to behave courteously to those with different opinions. You don't win people over by insulting them. You show respect, and act respectably to earn the right to discuss your views politely.

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