Sunday, January 10, 2016

Parents as Primary Teachers

If you are a parent, then you are a teacher. Children learn most of the things that really stick with them from their parents. Some parents teach accidentally, others teach deliberately; most fall somewhere between the two. We always hope that the things our children learn from us are positive.
There is no more important realm in which we teach our children than in the area of their spiritual lives. The spiritual health and maturity of our children has far-reaching effects in their lives. Spiritual training gives them a moral basis upon which to make decisions. It gives them hope when things are difficult. It also helps them to remember that they are exactly who they were made to be in a world of people who are often confused about who they are. Religious teaching gives them a healthy outlook on life.
If you are a Catholic parent, you are your child's primary catechist. If you have been doing this accidentally, it may be time to consider being more deliberate about it. Children need you to deliberately speak to them about spiritual matters. It is especially important when they are preparing for Sacraments.
Do you have a lot to learn about the faith in order to do this effectively? Take heart! The Apostles were first Disciples (from the Latin "discipuli", meaning "students"). One of the things that encourages me is knowing that I am called to be a student of Christ every bit as much as I am called to teach. In fact, the best teachers always remain students.
To get started, make sure you have the basic tools available to you. A copy of the Bible and a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) should be your primary resources. These are available in digital form, but if you prefer paper order them or ask for a copy from your parish priest or religious education coordinator. Don't forget that the pastor and deacons of your parish are there to help you in your spiritual journey. Ask questions often. Solicit their assistance in approaching scripture and catechetical study.
It is always good to know what your child is learning about in catechism class. What things are being focused on during this year? You can then focus on the things you want to reinforce for your children. Our parish uses a curriculum that features take home pages for the parents. Going over these with your children will not go amiss.
The most important thing you can do, however, is to live your faith openly. Be faithful in your prayer life. Let your children see that you make it a priority. Pray with your children. Say grace at meals, start the day with a morning offering, send them to school with a simple blessing, pray with them before bed. Pepper your conversations with spiritual truth.  Designate time for reading scripture or Bible stories. Pray the Rosary as a family on a regular basis. Go to confession as a family at least once a month. Embark upon a scripture study course or read a good spiritual book (the saints have provided us with a number of great ones). I personally highly recommend "Life of Christ" by Fulton Sheen. It is a great way to become a student of Christ.
You are your child's primary teacher whether you do so intentionally or accidentally. I hope that you are encouraged to be a more intentional teacher.

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