Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Weight of the Cross

Some days, the cross I bear weighs down heavily. Some days I cry out for it to be taken from me. Some days, I want to just drop it and leave it behind.
Today, the cross is heavy. It is heavy with grief over the suffering caused by sinful leaders within the Church. It is heavy with doubts over whether or not they will be dealt with justly. It is heavy with insults and innuendo that come my way because I choose to remain faithful to Jesus in His Church. I cannot imagine abandoning Him, nor leaving His presence in the Eucharist. This cross I bear is for the joy of knowing His Presence, and time in His Presence lightens the load.
Today the cross is heavy. It is heavy with chronic pain that is particularly bad just now. It is heavy with the effort of rising and attending to my everyday tasks. I rise to live today in the hope of eternal resurrection, the promise wrought through the suffering of Jesus.
Today the cross is heavy. It is heavy with the lofty duties I am called to. The duty to bring beauty to my home. The duty to live in beauty as I love my family, friends, neighbors, and enemies. These things are made more beautiful for the fact that they are wrought through suffering. These things are made more beautiful as they are offered up to Jesus, whose grace makes them possible.
Today the cross is heavy, but it is not unbearable as I look upon the Cross of Christ and recall the glory He revealed in His resurrection and at the Transfiguration. It is a glory He has promised to those who can finish the uphill climb bearing a cross that ends not in death alone, but victory.