Thursday, February 11, 2016

Lent for the Teaching Parent

Lent is probably my favorite season of the Church year. At this point my readers are saying ,"why? What's so great about fasting, penance, and almsgiving?"
My experiences during Lent have been so positive in recent years that I look forward to it every year. It was during Lent that I went to confession for the first time and was completely reconciled with Jesus and The Church. It had a profound impact on me. Every year during Lent, I make a special effort to increase my prayer time and read scriptures daily. I usually also read a spiritual book such as "Life of Christ" by Fulton Sheen, or "Imitation of Christ" by Thomas A Kempis, or "Story of a Soul" by St. Therese of Liseux. These things always cause me to look at my life critically and I grow spiritually during every Lenten cycle.
Another great benefit of Lent is that I have many great opportunities to share the faith with my children. We go to confession as a family more often. I share the stories of the saints, read scripture with them, and our family is more deliberate about family devotional time daily. I take every opportunity to teach my children how to be charitable within our family. We find ways to show Christ to those we encounter outside of our home, especially praying for those who are difficult.
As our family seeks out ways to share with others and to be good to each other, we all grow spiritually and it strengthens our bond with each other and with the Church.
I pray that even if Lent does not become your favorite part of the Church year, that it will become a time you truly love as you grow in virtue.